I hear you beat the drums of war,
Because you do not know the scent of death.
You have not felt it reek around you,
You have not felt it flare in your nose,
You have not felt it take your lungs
Until you cannot expel it.
I hear you beat the drums of war,
I hear you hum and chant and roar,
Because you do not understand the cost,
See make all you had, lost
Your homes go up in smoke
Your monuments turned to rubble
I hear you beat the drums of war,
] because you have known peace,
You are tired of the light,
And wish to tempt the night
You think it a passing fad
You think it will make you glad.
I hear you beat the drums of war,
I hear you sing chant and roar
And hope they are not
For war is a welcome guest
Until it cannot be had,
And you can no longer rest
I hear you beat the drums of war,
And ignore all that implore
You daughters it will gnaw
Your lands it will scorch.
You it will split to bits
I implore you now,
The drums…
Beat them no more