Sunday 30 August 2015


Your journey here is at a close
Your time is almost up
The end is so close
This is your reckoning child
Four years of hard work
Cannot rest on luck
As whispers grow loud
And confidence cannot come

Whispers want their prize
An accolade for the wise
A job well done
Or a lie well told
The teacher has his pride
Friend doubt your esteem
Your walls are closing in

Whispers claim a shortcut
All the glory-none of the hard work
“You don’t have to be the best in class
Just the best on paper”
So they say
And the temptation is far too great
Child, mind the threat
Whispers said the answers would be…
Whispers said the questions would be…
Whispers said that the exam was easy…
Whispers, whispers, whispers
Until the whispers went dead
When the exam was not it
And neither questions nor answers
Were ever close to right
And the thumping heart
Fill with fright

The head once in the clouds
Is forced to the shadows
Fri9ends and family push you to the gallows
Teachers and whispers hold their applause
Child, you run too fast for your legs
You must learn to walk
The test must come again

Child, no one starts to climb a tree from the top
And if you tried, you would fall
Respect the course of time
Believe in yourself and your work
And silence the whispers
For you only stand tall,
Not by luck
But the value of your work

Wednesday 26 August 2015


Darling, don't dig in your heels,
Don't dig in your heels,
Not any deeper,
not any more than it needs to be
You know we are not meant to be
You know we are clutching
at straw
and our bond are starting
to break.

Darling, don't shed those tears,
You make me guilty, dear
Don't let them run down your cheeks
I would kiss them away,
But my resolve would be be weak,
Darling, have a tissue
And listen dear
our love was real
'Tis not the time to cling
Not now, darling
Not here
I have my faults
You have none,
Dear, please,
Let go

Dear, don't forget
I was the rebound
You were the fling
I wish it would ease the sting
I too feel the pinch
But darling
Do let go
Don't dig in, darling
You know I love you so
but please, do let go

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Cinders, embers and smoke,

Cinders, embers and smoke,
all that is left of our home,
the fire that raged in our hearts
burnt it all to a crust
consumed our trust,
left our home as ash

cinders embers and smoke,
are all that is left
of the words we spoke
the hushed murmurs
the eager stammers
that warmed this house

that soothed our souls
that raised our hopes

cinders, embers and smoke
sting my running nose
burn my tearing eyes
as the ashes crumble 
beneath my feet
and the shards
glitter in the fading light
memories fade in the night
reminders of the flames
that one lit the hearts
inviting passion  
and taste for affection

cinders embers and smoke
perhaps there is hope,
that the flames might ignite again
that warmth will ease the pain
that the smoke will leave this train
and smiles will light up again


I am no longer engaged
Not by her words
Not by her little talks
Not by our chats
I feel no need
To respond to her
I am bored
For I no longer
Feel engaged

I am no longer engaged
physically, mentally or emotionally
I am vacant
a fact she finds unpleasant
like stranger, we are
bound in this cage we call home
weathering our perfect storms
we stare at each other
but we dont even bother
To talk to one another
The peak is gone
For I no longer listen

I am no longer touched
by her affectionate gestures
The kiss on the cheek
The hugs, the smiles
I have let her go
I have let her go
and she still holds on
I am no longer engaged.

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