Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Cinders, embers and smoke,

Cinders, embers and smoke,
all that is left of our home,
the fire that raged in our hearts
burnt it all to a crust
consumed our trust,
left our home as ash

cinders embers and smoke,
are all that is left
of the words we spoke
the hushed murmurs
the eager stammers
that warmed this house

that soothed our souls
that raised our hopes

cinders, embers and smoke
sting my running nose
burn my tearing eyes
as the ashes crumble 
beneath my feet
and the shards
glitter in the fading light
memories fade in the night
reminders of the flames
that one lit the hearts
inviting passion  
and taste for affection

cinders embers and smoke
perhaps there is hope,
that the flames might ignite again
that warmth will ease the pain
that the smoke will leave this train
and smiles will light up again

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