Saturday, 9 July 2022

We were never here

                              I leave a path of pain

In my wake

 Pain I cannot erase 

Or grab and take

With me to my grave

Nor wash away

Then I find only one remedy

Erase myself

From reality and memory

That you may be unburdened 

Don't be weary with the burden of my soul 

I was never here

You were never here

We were never here

The pain and I, 

We are both gone

We were never here

Thursday, 7 July 2022


 We started it wrong

This I know you know,

Still I held on,

Clung to your hope, 

Fleeting and flimsy as it was

It's a wonder

It took so long

I realize now, 

I know you do too,

We had nothing in common,

Nothing to stand on, 

Other than our thirsty hearts

And throbbing flesh

It was a dear dream

Now daylight has come,

And I have to leave

The feeling was warm

But one I have to cleave

The memories are sore

From mistakes I made

Though I will see you again

It will be with a heart in pain

And the shift from friends

To strangers betrayed

A reminder of bonds 

We thought so strong

Yet so false.

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