Friday, 29 August 2014

heart breaker

i was taught to be a heart breaker
society raised me that way
being a gentle man was wrong
so i had to be right
i got the three simple rules
1. pretend to be interested
then lose all interest
2. notice nothing new
3. make them think that it is their idea
I was raised to be a heart breaker so that
girls would blame themselves
and never me

i was taught it was good
to be bad
better to be cruse
amazing to be harsh
so i learnt to hurt
hurt those who do not deserve it
because society want more like me
heart breakers

I never wrote her poems
it would make me soft
I never bought her roses
I'd rather be a thone
I never gave her kisses
so she would hate me to the bone
i was raised to be a heartbreaker

mothers, warn your daughters
fathers, brace your knuckles
because she will come home,
teary and solemn
bitter and broken, 
and i will be to blame
i was raised to be better
but i am a heartbreaker.


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